Jet Airways chairman Naresh Goyal, wife Anita Goyal resign from board amid a debt crisis. Lenders had pushed for Naresh Goyal's exit to infuse funds into the troubled airline. The development comes as a majority of the airline's fleet has been grounded over non-payment of dues. Chief executive Vinay Dube is expected to stay on board.
Jet Airways has survived a near-death experience once before; in 2013, Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways injected $600 million of capital for a 24 percent stake in the airline, three London Heathrow slots and a majority share in Jet’s frequent flyer programme. The infusion helped Jet Airways pare down debt and fight growing domestic competition.
On Friday, Jet Airways had suspended operations on as many as 13 more international routes till end-April even as it grounded seven more planes due to non-payment of rentals, taking the number of such aircraft to 54.
Jet Airways chairman Naresh Goyal, wife Anita Goyal resign from board amid a debt crisis. Lenders had pushed for Naresh Goyal's exit to infuse funds into the troubled airline. The development comes as a majority of the airline's fleet has been grounded over non-payment of dues. Chief executive Vinay Dube is expected to stay on board.
Jet Airways has survived a near-death experience once before; in 2013, Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Airways injected $600 million of capital for a 24 percent stake in the airline, three London Heathrow slots and a majority share in Jet’s frequent flyer programme. The infusion helped Jet Airways pare down debt and fight growing domestic competition.
On Friday, Jet Airways had suspended operations on as many as 13 more international routes till end-April even as it grounded seven more planes due to non-payment of rentals, taking the number of such aircraft to 54.