Japan's Suzuki Motor Corp on Thursday announced fresh investments of around Rs 3,800 crore in Gujarat to set up a third car production plant. The company along with its partners Toshiba and Denso will also invest around Rs 1,150 crore for a new unit to produce lithium ion batteries.
Announcing the fresh investments, Suzuki Motor Corp (SMC) chairman Osamu Suzuki said the company will invest Rs 3,800 crore on the third plant which will have a production capacity of 2.5 lakh units annually.
When the third plant starts functioning fully, the SMC's Gujarat plant will have a total capacity of 7.5 lakh units per annum, according to a PTI report from Gandhinagar.
Japan's Suzuki Motor Corp on Thursday announced fresh investments of around Rs 3,800 crore in Gujarat to set up a third car production plant. The company along with its partners Toshiba and Denso will also invest around Rs 1,150 crore for a new unit to produce lithium ion batteries.
Announcing the fresh investments, Suzuki Motor Corp (SMC) chairman Osamu Suzuki said the company will invest Rs 3,800 crore on the third plant which will have a production capacity of 2.5 lakh units annually.
When the third plant starts functioning fully, the SMC's Gujarat plant will have a total capacity of 7.5 lakh units per annum, according to a PTI report from Gandhinagar.