Unidentified men set on fire the paddy crop of a civic poll candidate in South Kashmir’s Dooru Verinag area on Wednesday night. Gul Mohammed Khan, a BJP candidate, is one of the 30 contestants whose details were recently released on social media by accounts associated with Hizbul Mujahideen. Meanwhile, petrol was thrown at the Srinagar residence of another BJP candidate. Showkat Raja from Gojwara area of the Old City told The Indian Express, “The gate of our house caught fire, but it was immediately doused. There was no major damage because they put patrol on our gate.”
Unidentified men set on fire the paddy crop of a civic poll candidate in South Kashmir’s Dooru Verinag area on Wednesday night. Gul Mohammed Khan, a BJP candidate, is one of the 30 contestants whose details were recently released on social media by accounts associated with Hizbul Mujahideen. Meanwhile, petrol was thrown at the Srinagar residence of another BJP candidate. Showkat Raja from Gojwara area of the Old City told The Indian Express, “The gate of our house caught fire, but it was immediately doused. There was no major damage because they put patrol on our gate.”