A special court on Wednesday sentenced five persons, including a former senior officer of the Border Security Force (BSF), to 10 years of imprisonment for their involvement in the rape and sexual exploitation of a minor girl in Srinagar 12 years ago. The Central Bureau of Investigation court in Chandigarh also fined KC Padhi, former BSF deputy inspector general, and Mohammad Ashraf Mir, former deputy superintendent of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Rs 1 lakh each. Jammu and Kashmir residents Shabbir Ahmed Laway, Shabbir Ahmed Langhoo, and Masud Ahmed were fined Rs 50,000 each.
Srinagar was shocked in May 2006 after a CD containing pornographic images of a 15-year-old girl was handed over to the police, exposing a sex scandal that threw up names of ministers, legilators and other powerful men. Sabeena, who used one name, and her husband, Abdul Hamid Bullah, who allegedly ran a brothel in Srinagar, were named as the main accused in the scandal but died during the trial.
A special court on Wednesday sentenced five persons, including a former senior officer of the Border Security Force (BSF), to 10 years of imprisonment for their involvement in the rape and sexual exploitation of a minor girl in Srinagar 12 years ago. The Central Bureau of Investigation court in Chandigarh also fined KC Padhi, former BSF deputy inspector general, and Mohammad Ashraf Mir, former deputy superintendent of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Rs 1 lakh each. Jammu and Kashmir residents Shabbir Ahmed Laway, Shabbir Ahmed Langhoo, and Masud Ahmed were fined Rs 50,000 each.
Srinagar was shocked in May 2006 after a CD containing pornographic images of a 15-year-old girl was handed over to the police, exposing a sex scandal that threw up names of ministers, legilators and other powerful men. Sabeena, who used one name, and her husband, Abdul Hamid Bullah, who allegedly ran a brothel in Srinagar, were named as the main accused in the scandal but died during the trial.