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Added on : 2024-06-19 11:37:46

Ahead of the World Yoga Day that falls on June 21, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared an AI-generated video of him performing the 'Rabbit Pose' aka Shashankasana on his social media page. The video shows how to practice the asana, a beginner-level pose often recommended for stress relief. 

The asana is also called the 'child's pose' and is usually practised by those frequenting gyms as well. It symbolises a deep state of relaxation, after engaging in a session of workout or any form of intense physical activity. Here are a few benefits of the asana, which are best performed on an empty stomach. 

1) Being a pose with a forward bend and gentle stretches, it can relieve tension in the back, hips, ankles and thighs. As it also involves deep breathing, it can gradually put you in a state of relaxation. 

2) Its regular practice, under the guidance of a trainer can help you attain better flexibility on your ankles, knees, hips and spine. 

3) It can relieve constipation and stimulate better digestion, encouraging blood flow in your abdomen and making you more attuned to any digestive discomfort. Some practitioners say it can even help you develop better eating habits. 

Those with high blood pressure, spinal issues, vertigo, dizziness, recent knee, ankle or hip injuries, digestive issues like hernia, ulcer and pregnant women should avoid doing shashankasana. Some people with mild respiratory issues can also find it tough to breathe in the pose.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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