An Indian man in the UAE on Thursday won a whopping $1.9 million after he hit the jackpot in a mega raffle draw in Abu Dhabi. Manekudy Varkey Mathew, who had purchased the ticket in the Super 7 Series 183 in Big Ticket Abu Dhabi, was announced as the winner of the bumper prize. Mathew won Dirham 7 million ($1.9 million) in the raffle, Khaleej Times reported.
Mathew, who hails from Kerala, was not the only lucky Indian to win the prize. Six other Indians and one Emirati have also walked home with Dirham 100,000 each in the draw, the report said.
An Indian man in the UAE on Thursday won a whopping $1.9 million after he hit the jackpot in a mega raffle draw in Abu Dhabi. Manekudy Varkey Mathew, who had purchased the ticket in the Super 7 Series 183 in Big Ticket Abu Dhabi, was announced as the winner of the bumper prize. Mathew won Dirham 7 million ($1.9 million) in the raffle, Khaleej Times reported.
Mathew, who hails from Kerala, was not the only lucky Indian to win the prize. Six other Indians and one Emirati have also walked home with Dirham 100,000 each in the draw, the report said.