Reuters reported, The chief of weather office said India looks likely to receive higher monsoon rainfall than previously forecast as concern over the E1 Nino weather condition has eased, raising prospects of higher farm and economic growth. The state-run India Meteorological Department on April 18 forecast this year’s monsoon rains at 96 percent of the 50-year average of 89 cm. “Things have changed for the good since then,” said KJ Ramesh, director general of the state-run India Meteorological Department, told Reuters in an interview.
Reuters reported, The chief of weather office said India looks likely to receive higher monsoon rainfall than previously forecast as concern over the E1 Nino weather condition has eased, raising prospects of higher farm and economic growth. The state-run India Meteorological Department on April 18 forecast this year’s monsoon rains at 96 percent of the 50-year average of 89 cm. “Things have changed for the good since then,” said KJ Ramesh, director general of the state-run India Meteorological Department, told Reuters in an interview.