India's Meenakshi Chaudhary has been crowned the first runner-up of Miss Grand International 2018 at the sixth edition of the pageant held in Myanmar. Chaudhary was narrowly edged out by Paraguay's Clara Sosa for the top honour.
Sosa succeeds Miss Grand International 2017 Maria Jose Lora of Peru. Indonesia's Nadia Purwoko was declared the second runner-up. She has been the winner of fbb Colors Femina Miss Grand India 2018 title earlier.
India's Meenakshi Chaudhary has been crowned the first runner-up of Miss Grand International 2018 at the sixth edition of the pageant held in Myanmar. Chaudhary was narrowly edged out by Paraguay's Clara Sosa for the top honour.
Sosa succeeds Miss Grand International 2017 Maria Jose Lora of Peru. Indonesia's Nadia Purwoko was declared the second runner-up. She has been the winner of fbb Colors Femina Miss Grand India 2018 title earlier.