A red alert has been issued by the India Meteorological Department for Mumbai and Thane for Thursday with a forecast of “heavy to very heavy” rain in the city and suburbs. According to the district-wise forecast, there will be an increase in rainfall activity in the interiors of Maharashtra between September 19 and 25.
Other than Mumbai, isolated places like Palghar, Thane, and Raigad districts are also expected to receive heavy to very heavy spells of rain, according to IMD forecasts. Several cities in Maharashtra including Nashik, Pune, and Aurangabad are expected to witness heavy to moderate rainfall.
A red alert has been issued by the India Meteorological Department for Mumbai and Thane for Thursday with a forecast of “heavy to very heavy” rain in the city and suburbs. According to the district-wise forecast, there will be an increase in rainfall activity in the interiors of Maharashtra between September 19 and 25.
Other than Mumbai, isolated places like Palghar, Thane, and Raigad districts are also expected to receive heavy to very heavy spells of rain, according to IMD forecasts. Several cities in Maharashtra including Nashik, Pune, and Aurangabad are expected to witness heavy to moderate rainfall.