Hrithik Roshan starrer 'Super 30', which released on July 12, has been declared tax free by Bihar Government. People living in Bihar will be able to purchase tax-free tickets to the film from tomorrow (Tuesday). The film chronicles the life story of Anand Kumar (Hrithik), an Indian mathematician's journey from tutoring rich children in a top coaching centre to opening an institute of his own in order to teach the underprivileged children. Directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Reliance Entertainment and Phantom Films, the film also stars Mrunal Thakur, Amit Sadh, and Nandish Sandhu in pivotal roles.
Hrithik Roshan starrer 'Super 30', which released on July 12, has been declared tax free by Bihar Government. People living in Bihar will be able to purchase tax-free tickets to the film from tomorrow (Tuesday). The film chronicles the life story of Anand Kumar (Hrithik), an Indian mathematician's journey from tutoring rich children in a top coaching centre to opening an institute of his own in order to teach the underprivileged children. Directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Reliance Entertainment and Phantom Films, the film also stars Mrunal Thakur, Amit Sadh, and Nandish Sandhu in pivotal roles.