Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while speaking to TV channel News Nation, has claimed to have clicked a photo of senior BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani in the year 1987-88 using a digital camera which he owned. Modi also claimed to have sent that photo by e-mail. The claims have given new ammunition to Twitter users to mock Modi.
“First time I used digital camera in 1987 or 1988… then a handful of people had email. At one of the public meetings of (LK) Advani Ji in Gujarat’s Viramgam, I had a digital camera. I took a photo of Advani Ji and transmitted it to Delhi. He was surprised and said how did my colour photo appear today,” PM Modi said in the interview to News Nation.
First email service
The first email system was used by the American defence department Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANet) in early 1973. However, the first major commercial ISP (Internet Service Providers) came into existence between the 1990s and 1995. In this period, AOL, Prodigy, and CompuServe emerged top ISPs, which would give users an email address automatically. Later popular webmail services such as Hotmail hit the scene in 1996-97.
Digital camera
Though the concept of digital camera emerged in 1975, the first commercial portable model dubbed DS-X by Fuji got sold first in Japan in December 1989. The images of the camera could be stored in a memory card.
Very few are aware that Apple is one of the pioneers in digital camera evolution. In 1994, Cupertino-based company launched Quicktake 100, wherein it could take digital images in colour and also be downloaded to a computer via USB port.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while speaking to TV channel News Nation, has claimed to have clicked a photo of senior BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani in the year 1987-88 using a digital camera which he owned. Modi also claimed to have sent that photo by e-mail. The claims have given new ammunition to Twitter users to mock Modi.
“First time I used digital camera in 1987 or 1988… then a handful of people had email. At one of the public meetings of (LK) Advani Ji in Gujarat’s Viramgam, I had a digital camera. I took a photo of Advani Ji and transmitted it to Delhi. He was surprised and said how did my colour photo appear today,” PM Modi said in the interview to News Nation.
First email service
The first email system was used by the American defence department Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANet) in early 1973. However, the first major commercial ISP (Internet Service Providers) came into existence between the 1990s and 1995. In this period, AOL, Prodigy, and CompuServe emerged top ISPs, which would give users an email address automatically. Later popular webmail services such as Hotmail hit the scene in 1996-97.
Digital camera
Though the concept of digital camera emerged in 1975, the first commercial portable model dubbed DS-X by Fuji got sold first in Japan in December 1989. The images of the camera could be stored in a memory card.
Very few are aware that Apple is one of the pioneers in digital camera evolution. In 1994, Cupertino-based company launched Quicktake 100, wherein it could take digital images in colour and also be downloaded to a computer via USB port.