The Hindi trailer of the Kajol and Dhanush starrer film 'VIP 2 Lalkar' has been released. It is a sequel to the 2014 Tamil film 'Velai Illa Pattadhaari'. Dhanush has penned the story and is also co-producing it while his sister-in-law Soundarya Rajinikanth is directing it. The film is scheduled to release on July 28.
The Hindi trailer of the Kajol and Dhanush starrer film 'VIP 2 Lalkar' has been released. It is a sequel to the 2014 Tamil film 'Velai Illa Pattadhaari'. Dhanush has penned the story and is also co-producing it while his sister-in-law Soundarya Rajinikanth is directing it. The film is scheduled to release on July 28.