Anna Hazare who was scheduled to begin a hunger strike from October 2 over the appointment of a competent Lokpal, postponed the move following talks with Maharashtra minister. According to ANI, the anti-corruption crusader announced the move to postpone the agitation over Lokpal following talks with Maharashtra minister Girish Mahajan. Hazare had earlier announced to sit on a hunger strike from October 2 to protest against the Centre's alleged dilly-dallying on the issue of appointing a competent anti-corruption ombudsman or Lokpal.
Anna Hazare who was scheduled to begin a hunger strike from October 2 over the appointment of a competent Lokpal, postponed the move following talks with Maharashtra minister. According to ANI, the anti-corruption crusader announced the move to postpone the agitation over Lokpal following talks with Maharashtra minister Girish Mahajan. Hazare had earlier announced to sit on a hunger strike from October 2 to protest against the Centre's alleged dilly-dallying on the issue of appointing a competent anti-corruption ombudsman or Lokpal.