A mosque located in a nondescript Haryana village hit national headlines on Monday after a report claimed that it was built with help of funds sent by Hafiz Saeed’s Lashkar-e-Taiba. According to an Indian Express report, the Khulafa-e-Rashideen masjid situated in Palwal’s Uttawar village was built by Rs 70 lakh sent by Lashkar. The Imam of the mosque, who has been arrested by NIA recently, got the money via a contact in Dubai. Imam Mohammed Salman and two of his associates were arrested by the NIA on October 3, the report said. The report said that Salman earlier attempted to launch a taxi and a dairy business, but incurred heavy losses. It was around this time that he visited Saudi Arabia and later went to Dubai, where he got in touch with some Pakistani nationals. These men, according NIA, were linked to Lashkar. They later started sending money to Salman via Hawala racket.
A mosque located in a nondescript Haryana village hit national headlines on Monday after a report claimed that it was built with help of funds sent by Hafiz Saeed’s Lashkar-e-Taiba. According to an Indian Express report, the Khulafa-e-Rashideen masjid situated in Palwal’s Uttawar village was built by Rs 70 lakh sent by Lashkar. The Imam of the mosque, who has been arrested by NIA recently, got the money via a contact in Dubai. Imam Mohammed Salman and two of his associates were arrested by the NIA on October 3, the report said. The report said that Salman earlier attempted to launch a taxi and a dairy business, but incurred heavy losses. It was around this time that he visited Saudi Arabia and later went to Dubai, where he got in touch with some Pakistani nationals. These men, according NIA, were linked to Lashkar. They later started sending money to Salman via Hawala racket.