14-year-old Muslim girl in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad city has vowed to unfurl the national flag at Srinagar’s Lal Chowk on this Raksha Bandhan. Speaking to ANI, Tanzeem Merani said she will celebrate Raksha Bandhan with the soldiers and will also tie them Rakhis. “Last time I was stopped at the airport itself, and I unfurled the flag there. But, I will make sure I do it this time at Lal Chowk. This time I chose Rakha Bandha because it is a celebration of brother and sisters. I would like to tie Rakhi to my Army brothers,” she added. Her family has fully supported her.
14-year-old Muslim girl in Gujarat’s Ahmedabad city has vowed to unfurl the national flag at Srinagar’s Lal Chowk on this Raksha Bandhan. Speaking to ANI, Tanzeem Merani said she will celebrate Raksha Bandhan with the soldiers and will also tie them Rakhis. “Last time I was stopped at the airport itself, and I unfurled the flag there. But, I will make sure I do it this time at Lal Chowk. This time I chose Rakha Bandha because it is a celebration of brother and sisters. I would like to tie Rakhi to my Army brothers,” she added. Her family has fully supported her.