Gujarati folk singer Geeta Rabari dedicated a song to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She dedicated the song after meeting him at Parliament on Monday. She said, "In childhood he (PM Modi) gave me 250 rupees after singing a song and asked me to do practice in this profession and today, I am top Gujarati folk singer, it's all because of his (PM Modi) blessing and Beti- Bacchao campaign in Gujarat."
Gujarati folk singer Geeta Rabari dedicated a song to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She dedicated the song after meeting him at Parliament on Monday. She said, "In childhood he (PM Modi) gave me 250 rupees after singing a song and asked me to do practice in this profession and today, I am top Gujarati folk singer, it's all because of his (PM Modi) blessing and Beti- Bacchao campaign in Gujarat."