Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, who is on a six-day visit to Israel, has said that Jews of his state would soon be given “religious minority” status. The announcement came after Rupani met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu visited Gujarat in January. According to the information department of the state, the government has given approval for the move and a notification would soon be issued.
Around 300-odd Bene Israeli Jews in the state, of which 150 are in Ahmedabad, have welcomed Chief Minister Rupani’s announcement. Members from the community had met Rupani at his office during the last session of the state assembly. Esther David, a well-known author based in Ahmedabad, said: “We are very happy that this small community has been recognised and preserved. This is amazing, we feel more secure".
Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, who is on a six-day visit to Israel, has said that Jews of his state would soon be given “religious minority” status. The announcement came after Rupani met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu visited Gujarat in January. According to the information department of the state, the government has given approval for the move and a notification would soon be issued.
Around 300-odd Bene Israeli Jews in the state, of which 150 are in Ahmedabad, have welcomed Chief Minister Rupani’s announcement. Members from the community had met Rupani at his office during the last session of the state assembly. Esther David, a well-known author based in Ahmedabad, said: “We are very happy that this small community has been recognised and preserved. This is amazing, we feel more secure".