Two senior Gujarat Police officers, N K Amin and T A Barot, who have been accused in encounter killing cases, resigned on Thursday after giving undertaking in the Supreme Court that they will demit their posts during the day. Amin, who retired in August last year as Superintendent of Police (SP), had been re-appointed as SP of Mahisagar district of Gujarat on contractual basis for one year. He faced trial in the Sohrabuddin and Ishrat Jahan fake encounter killing cases.
Barot had been re-inducted in October last year as deputy superintendent of police with Western Railways at Vadodara for one year after his retirement. He was accused in the Ishrat Jahan and the Sadiq Jamal encounter cases.
Two senior Gujarat Police officers, N K Amin and T A Barot, who have been accused in encounter killing cases, resigned on Thursday after giving undertaking in the Supreme Court that they will demit their posts during the day. Amin, who retired in August last year as Superintendent of Police (SP), had been re-appointed as SP of Mahisagar district of Gujarat on contractual basis for one year. He faced trial in the Sohrabuddin and Ishrat Jahan fake encounter killing cases.
Barot had been re-inducted in October last year as deputy superintendent of police with Western Railways at Vadodara for one year after his retirement. He was accused in the Ishrat Jahan and the Sadiq Jamal encounter cases.