PM Modi's home town, Vadnagar, will be digitized before Diwali. Around 43 villages, falling under the limits of taluka, will be solar power-enabled as part of the project under the Digital Village Scheme. Confirming this, Mehsana's collector Alok Pandey, said, "As part of Union government's plan to digitize all the villages, we have begun to equip the Vadnagar town and all the villages of the taluka (block) with a host of digital services."

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Added on : 2017-06-23 16:49:44

In a recent decision taken by the state government, PM Modi's home town, Vadnagar, will be digitized before Diwali. Around 43 villages, falling under the limits of taluka, will be solar power-enabled as part of the project under the Digital Village Scheme. Confirming this, Mehsana's collector Alok Pandey, said, "As part of Union government's plan to digitize all the villages, we have begun to equip the Vadnagar town and all the villages of the taluka (block) with a host of digital services."

In a recent decision taken by the state government, PM Modi's home town, Vadnagar, will be digitized before Diwali. Around 43 villages, falling under the limits of taluka, will be solar power-enabled as part of the project under the Digital Village Scheme. Confirming this, Mehsana's collector Alok Pandey, said, "As part of Union government's plan to digitize all the villages, we have begun to equip the Vadnagar town and all the villages of the taluka (block) with a host of digital services."

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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