The Jammu and Kashmir police have arrested an alleged imposter from Gujarat, Dr Kiran Patel, who posed as an additional director at the Prime Minister’s office and enjoyed high-profile security protocol and stayed in a posh five-star hotel in the Kashmir Valley multiple times.
The accused was sent to judicial custody by a local court here after questioning by the J&K police and the Gujarat ATS team, who had arrived in Srinagar to investigate the matter.
According to senior officials, the accused was accompanied by three others –– two from Gujarat and one from Rajasthan –– during his visits and they had managed to meet some senior officials in the administration and police, besides attending a few social get-togethers along with some other people, whom Patel introduced as family members. However, as of now only Patel’s name figures in the FIR. Patel had printed a visiting card, which informed that he was Additional Director (Strategy & Campaigns), PMO, in New Delhi and was staying in room number 1107 of Lalit hotel in Srinagar.
The J&K police have registered a case at the Nishat police station in Srinagar under sections 419, 420, 467, 468, 471 of the Indian Penal Code and are investigating the matter.