The Gujarat coast has been put on high alert. The 1,600km long Gujarat coastline is closes to Pakistan waters and has been used by terrorists in 1993 and 2008 to enter the country and strike Mumbai.
S S Trivedi, IGP, said that nine coastal states and four Union territories have been put on alert following the recent attack on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama. “Our 22 marine police stations and 71 coastal checkposts and outposts are on high alert,” he added.
The Gujarat coast has been put on high alert. The 1,600km long Gujarat coastline is closes to Pakistan waters and has been used by terrorists in 1993 and 2008 to enter the country and strike Mumbai.
S S Trivedi, IGP, said that nine coastal states and four Union territories have been put on alert following the recent attack on a CRPF convoy in Pulwama. “Our 22 marine police stations and 71 coastal checkposts and outposts are on high alert,” he added.