Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenues slid to a six-month low of Rs 98,202 crore in August 2019. Average collections this financial year are still above Rs. 1.02 lakh crore, however.  
"The total gross GST revenue collected in the month of August, 2019 is Rs 98,202 crore of which CGST is Rs 17,733crore, SGST is Rs 24,239crore, IGST is Rs 48,958 crore and cess is Rs 7,273 crore," the government said in a release. "The total number of GSTR 3B Returns filed for the month of July up to August 31, 2019 is 75.80 lakh." 
The revenue collected in August 2019 was 4.51% higher than what was collected in the same month of the previous year.  
"During April-August 2019 vis-à-vis 2018, the domestic component has grown by 9.11% while the GST on imports has come down by 1.43% and the total collection has grown by 6.38%," the release added.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) revenues slid to a six-month low of Rs 98,202 crore in August 2019. Average collections this financial year are still above Rs. 1.02 lakh crore, however.  
"The total gross GST revenue collected in the month of August, 2019 is Rs 98,202 crore of which CGST is Rs 17,733crore, SGST is Rs 24,239crore, IGST is Rs 48,958 crore and cess is Rs 7,273 crore," the government said in a release. "The total number of GSTR 3B Returns filed for the month of July up to August 31, 2019 is 75.80 lakh." 
The revenue collected in August 2019 was 4.51% higher than what was collected in the same month of the previous year.  
"During April-August 2019 vis-à-vis 2018, the domestic component has grown by 9.11% while the GST on imports has come down by 1.43% and the total collection has grown by 6.38%," the release added.