The Federation of All India Farmers Association (FAIFA) on Tuesday said India has lost approximately Rs 13,000 crore in revenue due to growing cigarette smuggling and urged it to curb the menace.”Illegal cigarette trade is more than 25% of the cigarette industry in the country making India the fourth largest and fastest growing illicit market in the world. This has resulted in revenue losses of approximately Rs 13,000 crore to the government and is growing annually,” FAIFA said in a statement.
FAIFA has urged the government to protect the interests of legal Indian tobacco growers. Over the years, while the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has been conducting raids to seize smuggled cigarettes from the international borders, they have denied having any consolidated data on the worth of the total seized smuggled cigarettes and tobacco. The mails sent to the authorities at DRI, seeking details of the value of total seizures of smuggled cigarettes in the last two years remained unanswered.
The Federation of All India Farmers Association (FAIFA) on Tuesday said India has lost approximately Rs 13,000 crore in revenue due to growing cigarette smuggling and urged it to curb the menace.”Illegal cigarette trade is more than 25% of the cigarette industry in the country making India the fourth largest and fastest growing illicit market in the world. This has resulted in revenue losses of approximately Rs 13,000 crore to the government and is growing annually,” FAIFA said in a statement.
FAIFA has urged the government to protect the interests of legal Indian tobacco growers. Over the years, while the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) has been conducting raids to seize smuggled cigarettes from the international borders, they have denied having any consolidated data on the worth of the total seized smuggled cigarettes and tobacco. The mails sent to the authorities at DRI, seeking details of the value of total seizures of smuggled cigarettes in the last two years remained unanswered.