The goods and services tax collection for August fell to its lowest in 19 months amid slowing consumption in the economy. GST paid for August—collected in September—stood at Rs 91,916 crore, according to a statement by the Ministry of Finance. That compares with Rs 98,202 crore in July and Rs 1.02 lakh crore collected in June. It’s about a 3 percent drop over the year-ago period.
The goods and services tax collection for August fell to its lowest in 19 months amid slowing consumption in the economy. GST paid for August—collected in September—stood at Rs 91,916 crore, according to a statement by the Ministry of Finance. That compares with Rs 98,202 crore in July and Rs 1.02 lakh crore collected in June. It’s about a 3 percent drop over the year-ago period.