"From tomorrow, enjoy unlimited calling to any network in India with all our unlimited plans. No conditions apply," Bharti Airtel said in a tweet. The company also announced three new plans - Rs. 219 with 28 days validity offering 1 GB per day, Rs. 399 and Rs.449 plan with 56 days validity each, offering 1.5 Gb and 2 GB data usage, respectively. With the removal of limit, Airtel's new 399 plans with 56 days validity becomes cheaper than that of Reliance Jio plan at same price.
"From tomorrow, enjoy unlimited calling to any network in India with all our unlimited plans. No conditions apply," Bharti Airtel said in a tweet. The company also announced three new plans - Rs. 219 with 28 days validity offering 1 GB per day, Rs. 399 and Rs.449 plan with 56 days validity each, offering 1.5 Gb and 2 GB data usage, respectively. With the removal of limit, Airtel's new 399 plans with 56 days validity becomes cheaper than that of Reliance Jio plan at same price.