Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday proved the majority of his BJP-led government in the Assembly, comfortably winning a floor test in the House. The government claims majority with the support of 20 MLAs--12 from the BJP, three each of allies Goa Forward Party (GFP) and Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and three Independents, while 15 opposed it.
After winning the trust vote, Sawant appealed all the members to join hands with him to ensure that developmental work reaches every nook and corner of the state.
Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant on Wednesday proved the majority of his BJP-led government in the Assembly, comfortably winning a floor test in the House. The government claims majority with the support of 20 MLAs--12 from the BJP, three each of allies Goa Forward Party (GFP) and Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and three Independents, while 15 opposed it.
After winning the trust vote, Sawant appealed all the members to join hands with him to ensure that developmental work reaches every nook and corner of the state.