CBR Prasad 74 years, a former Airman in Indian Air Force, donated Rs 1.08 crore to the Defence Ministry on Monday. He handed over a cheque to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. He said, "I worked for 108 months in Air Force, so as a return gift I wanted to give Rs 1.08 Crore to defence." He further added, “I worked in Air Force for 108 months. Then I started a poultry farm. I did well. After fulfilling my responsibilities towards my family, I thought of giving back to defence whatever I got.”
“Rajnath Singh was happy to see that such a small sepoy was giving his entire savings back to the defence,” he says.
CBR Prasad 74 years, a former Airman in Indian Air Force, donated Rs 1.08 crore to the Defence Ministry on Monday. He handed over a cheque to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. He said, "I worked for 108 months in Air Force, so as a return gift I wanted to give Rs 1.08 Crore to defence." He further added, “I worked in Air Force for 108 months. Then I started a poultry farm. I did well. After fulfilling my responsibilities towards my family, I thought of giving back to defence whatever I got.”
“Rajnath Singh was happy to see that such a small sepoy was giving his entire savings back to the defence,” he says.