In yet another setback to the Congress party, its former Member of Parliament from Kollam S Krishna Kumar on Saturday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party. Joining the party, Kumar said: “My motive for the rest of my life is to strengthen hands of PM Modi who I think the people of India should give a mandate not only for 5 yrs, but for another 10 yrs. By this time, he'll modernise the nation & take it to the forefront.” Kumar is the member of the 16th Lok Sabha from Kerala's Kollam.
In yet another setback to the Congress party, its former Member of Parliament from Kollam S Krishna Kumar on Saturday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party. Joining the party, Kumar said: “My motive for the rest of my life is to strengthen hands of PM Modi who I think the people of India should give a mandate not only for 5 yrs, but for another 10 yrs. By this time, he'll modernise the nation & take it to the forefront.” Kumar is the member of the 16th Lok Sabha from Kerala's Kollam.