Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said achieving a 10 per cent GDP growth rate is challenging and will depend on how the world is moving. Speaking at the HT Leadership Summit here, he said India has done well by growing at 7-8 per cent during the last three years. To scale to 10 per cent rate is "very challenging" and it will not depend on domestic factors only but on how the world is moving, he said.
On reforms, he said India has structurally reformed and there is no finishing line in reforms. Jaitley said the Goods and Services Tax (GST) started with different tax rates and they have rationalised rates on many items.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said achieving a 10 per cent GDP growth rate is challenging and will depend on how the world is moving. Speaking at the HT Leadership Summit here, he said India has done well by growing at 7-8 per cent during the last three years. To scale to 10 per cent rate is "very challenging" and it will not depend on domestic factors only but on how the world is moving, he said.
On reforms, he said India has structurally reformed and there is no finishing line in reforms. Jaitley said the Goods and Services Tax (GST) started with different tax rates and they have rationalised rates on many items.