Saddened to hear news of the passing away of Raj Kumar Barjatya of Rajshri Films has died in Mumbai. Raj Kumar Barjatya produced films like 'Hum Aapke Hain Koun', 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo', ‘Vivah’, ‘Hum Sath Sath hai’ under the Rajshri Production banner. His last production venture, Hum Chaar, was recently released. All the aforementioned films were directed by his son Sooraj Barjatya. “Terribly shocking news. Shri Rajkumar Barjatya passed away at Reliance Hurkissondas Hospital.
Saddened to hear news of the passing away of Raj Kumar Barjatya of Rajshri Films has died in Mumbai. Raj Kumar Barjatya produced films like 'Hum Aapke Hain Koun', 'Prem Ratan Dhan Payo', ‘Vivah’, ‘Hum Sath Sath hai’ under the Rajshri Production banner. His last production venture, Hum Chaar, was recently released. All the aforementioned films were directed by his son Sooraj Barjatya. “Terribly shocking news. Shri Rajkumar Barjatya passed away at Reliance Hurkissondas Hospital.