Bharatiya Kisan Union (A), a farmers' body, on Wednesday issued a 15 days ultimatum to Amul Dairy and Gujarat government to resolve problems faced by lakhs of milk producers in the state. The body has threatened that if payment of milk producers are not regularized within a fortnight, it will stop supply of milk for which it will hold state-wide agitations. On Wednesday, the union, submitted a memorandum to Amul Dairy's management and Anand district collectorate threatening of a 1946-like milk strike in which milk was stopped from reaching the erstwhile Bombay Milk Scheme.
Bharatiya Kisan Union (A), a farmers' body, on Wednesday issued a 15 days ultimatum to Amul Dairy and Gujarat government to resolve problems faced by lakhs of milk producers in the state. The body has threatened that if payment of milk producers are not regularized within a fortnight, it will stop supply of milk for which it will hold state-wide agitations. On Wednesday, the union, submitted a memorandum to Amul Dairy's management and Anand district collectorate threatening of a 1946-like milk strike in which milk was stopped from reaching the erstwhile Bombay Milk Scheme.