It’s official, ‘The Iron Lady’, a biopic on former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa will hit screens in 20th February 2020. The film’s director A Priyadhaarshini shared the update on her micro-blogging page, “#OFFICIAL #THEIRONLADY #JJayalalithaabiopic to hit screens on worldwide “20-2-2020” #Amma2020.”
Nithya Menen playing the role of J Jayalalithaa. The first look poster was released to coincide with Jayalalithaa’s second year death anniversary on 5th December last year.
It’s official, ‘The Iron Lady’, a biopic on former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, J Jayalalithaa will hit screens in 20th February 2020. The film’s director A Priyadhaarshini shared the update on her micro-blogging page, “#OFFICIAL #THEIRONLADY #JJayalalithaabiopic to hit screens on worldwide “20-2-2020” #Amma2020.”
Nithya Menen playing the role of J Jayalalithaa. The first look poster was released to coincide with Jayalalithaa’s second year death anniversary on 5th December last year.