A Delhi court on Wednesday convicted expelled BJP legislator Kuldeep Singh Sengar and acquitted four persons in a case pertaining to custodial death of the father of a girl who he raped in Uttar Pradesh's Unnao district three years ago. Unnao rape survivor's father died in custody on April 9, 2018. The woman was allegedly kidnapped and raped by Sengar in 2017 when she was a minor.
A Delhi court on Wednesday convicted expelled BJP legislator Kuldeep Singh Sengar and acquitted four persons in a case pertaining to custodial death of the father of a girl who he raped in Uttar Pradesh's Unnao district three years ago. Unnao rape survivor's father died in custody on April 9, 2018. The woman was allegedly kidnapped and raped by Sengar in 2017 when she was a minor.