The toll from acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in Bihar reached 65 on Saturday. Of these, 55 deaths have been reported from Muzaffarpur’s Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH) and 10 from Kejriwal Maternity Clinic (KMC), a private hospital.
SKMCH’s medical superintendent, Dr SK Shahi, confirmed the deaths of eight more children on Saturday. So far 55 children had died at the hospital, he added.
The toll from acute encephalitis syndrome (AES) in Bihar reached 65 on Saturday. Of these, 55 deaths have been reported from Muzaffarpur’s Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital (SKMCH) and 10 from Kejriwal Maternity Clinic (KMC), a private hospital.
SKMCH’s medical superintendent, Dr SK Shahi, confirmed the deaths of eight more children on Saturday. So far 55 children had died at the hospital, he added.