The East Delhi returning officer Saturday asked the police to register an FIR against BJP candidate Gautam Gambhir for allegedly holding a public meeting in Jangpura without permission, officials said. The commission said Gambhir, who recently joined the BJP, did not seek permission for his April 25 rally in Delhi’s Jangpura, thus violating the Model Code of Conduct.
Just days into his political career, Gautam Gambhir has found himself at the centre of a few controversies already. The EC’s order comes barely a day after Aam Aadmi Party’s Atishi lodged a criminal complaint against the cricket star for allegedly holding two voter ID cards - one from Karol Bagh and another from Rajinder Nagar.
The East Delhi returning officer Saturday asked the police to register an FIR against BJP candidate Gautam Gambhir for allegedly holding a public meeting in Jangpura without permission, officials said. The commission said Gambhir, who recently joined the BJP, did not seek permission for his April 25 rally in Delhi’s Jangpura, thus violating the Model Code of Conduct.
Just days into his political career, Gautam Gambhir has found himself at the centre of a few controversies already. The EC’s order comes barely a day after Aam Aadmi Party’s Atishi lodged a criminal complaint against the cricket star for allegedly holding two voter ID cards - one from Karol Bagh and another from Rajinder Nagar.