BJP ally Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party president Om Prakash Rajbhar said that West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee is the best fit for Prime Minister- Ani quoted.
While speaking about the hooch death in the state, Om Prakash said that “For 16 years, I have been saying that poor people are dying because of liquor. And cannot be stopped unless there is a full ban on liquor”.
BJP ally Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party president Om Prakash Rajbhar said that West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee is the best fit for Prime Minister- Ani quoted.
While speaking about the hooch death in the state, Om Prakash said that “For 16 years, I have been saying that poor people are dying because of liquor. And cannot be stopped unless there is a full ban on liquor”.