The Delhi government on Wednesday submitted its action plan to combat pollution before the National Green Tribunal. The government in its plan recommended a list of measure to check pollution including a complete halt on construction once pollution level touches ‘severe category’, ban on entry of trucks in the national capital and prohibition on burning of waste. It also suggest immediate closure of industries causing pollution. Chaning its stand on the odd-even policy, the government in its action plan does not mention any exemption for women.
The Delhi government on Wednesday submitted its action plan to combat pollution before the National Green Tribunal. The government in its plan recommended a list of measure to check pollution including a complete halt on construction once pollution level touches ‘severe category’, ban on entry of trucks in the national capital and prohibition on burning of waste. It also suggest immediate closure of industries causing pollution. Chaning its stand on the odd-even policy, the government in its action plan does not mention any exemption for women.