A Delhi court, Tuesday, issued summons to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia and 11 other MLAs as accused in connection with the alleged assault case of Delhi Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash. Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Samar Vishal took cognizance of the offences in the chargesheet, barring one, and summoned all accused on October 25. The assault took place on the intervening night of February 19 and 20 at Kejriwal’s residence, when Prakash was called for a meeting. A case was registered on Prakash’s complaint, who had alleged that he had been assaulted by AAP MLAs. In its 1,300-page chargesheet, police have not specified the role of each person in the alleged assault, but Kejriwal and Sisodia have been charged under the same 13 sections as the other 11.
A Delhi court, Tuesday, issued summons to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Deputy CM Manish Sisodia and 11 other MLAs as accused in connection with the alleged assault case of Delhi Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash. Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Samar Vishal took cognizance of the offences in the chargesheet, barring one, and summoned all accused on October 25. The assault took place on the intervening night of February 19 and 20 at Kejriwal’s residence, when Prakash was called for a meeting. A case was registered on Prakash’s complaint, who had alleged that he had been assaulted by AAP MLAs. In its 1,300-page chargesheet, police have not specified the role of each person in the alleged assault, but Kejriwal and Sisodia have been charged under the same 13 sections as the other 11.