A criminal defamation complaint has been filed against Bollywood actress Esha Gupta by a Delhi businessman after she accused him of sexual misconduct at a restaurant. The Delhi-based businessman filed the defamation case through Advocate Vikas Pahwa under section 499 and 500 of the Indian Penal Code in Saket Court, New Delhi. The court has taken cognisance of the complaint and will hear the matter on August 28. On the next date of hearing, the court will record pre summoning evidence of the complainant.
Earlier on July 6, Esha in a series of tweets had accused the hotelier of "raping her with his eyes". She had shared various posts and tweets of the alleged incident.
In one such post on her Instagram profile, the actress wrote, "About my previous post, this guy was literally raping me with his eyes... thanks to my security for being more patient than me during the situation... does anyone know him? #deardonna."
A criminal defamation complaint has been filed against Bollywood actress Esha Gupta by a Delhi businessman after she accused him of sexual misconduct at a restaurant. The Delhi-based businessman filed the defamation case through Advocate Vikas Pahwa under section 499 and 500 of the Indian Penal Code in Saket Court, New Delhi. The court has taken cognisance of the complaint and will hear the matter on August 28. On the next date of hearing, the court will record pre summoning evidence of the complainant.
Earlier on July 6, Esha in a series of tweets had accused the hotelier of "raping her with his eyes". She had shared various posts and tweets of the alleged incident.
In one such post on her Instagram profile, the actress wrote, "About my previous post, this guy was literally raping me with his eyes... thanks to my security for being more patient than me during the situation... does anyone know him? #deardonna."