Deepika Padukone is a regular at the much revered Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai ahead of the release of her films. This time too, the diva made sure to seek Lord Ganesha's blessings as her much-talked-about film ‘Padmaavat’ is finally set to hit theatres on January 25, 2018. Dressed in a simple white kurta, Deepika was escorted to the temple amid tight security.
Meanwhile the Supreme Court on Tuesday, rejected Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan government’s plea to modify the court's earlier order which had paved the way for the film's nationwide release, saying people must understand that orders of the apex court have to be "abided with".
Deepika Padukone is a regular at the much revered Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai ahead of the release of her films. This time too, the diva made sure to seek Lord Ganesha's blessings as her much-talked-about film ‘Padmaavat’ is finally set to hit theatres on January 25, 2018. Dressed in a simple white kurta, Deepika was escorted to the temple amid tight security.
Meanwhile the Supreme Court on Tuesday, rejected Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan government’s plea to modify the court's earlier order which had paved the way for the film's nationwide release, saying people must understand that orders of the apex court have to be "abided with".