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Added on : 2024-06-03 16:17:55

Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar on Monday revealed that India has created a world record of 642 million voters and gave a standing ovation to all those who exercised their franchise in the Lok Sabha elections.

Addressing a press conference ahead of the election result day, CEC Rajiv Kumar said, “Voters scripted history in 2024. Over 31 crore women cast their vote. We have created a world record of 642 million voters. This is 1.5 times voters of all G7 countries and 2.5 times voters of 27 countries in EU,” CEC Rajiv Kumar said at the press conference, which is the first time for the poll body to hold such a post-election, pre-result briefing.

Sharing the details of voter turnouts, he singled out Jammu & Kashmir which saw the highest turnout in the last four decades at 58.58 per cent overall and 51.05 per cent in the Valley.

Editor & Publisher : Dr Dhimant Purohit


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