The Gujarat Crime Investigation Department (CID) arrested former controversial IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt on Wednesday in connection with a 22-year-old case of planting of drugs to arrest a man. Bhatt and seven others, including some former policemen attached with the Banaskantha Police, were initially detained for questioning in the case. As per the case details, the Banaskantha Police under Bhatt had arrested one Sumersingh Rajpurohit, an advocate, in 1996 on charges of possessing around one kg of drugs. At that time, the Banaskantha Police had claimed that drugs were found in a hotel room occupied by Rajpurohit in the district's Palanpur town.
However, a probe by the Rajasthan Police had revealed that Rajpurohit was allegedly falsely implicated by the Banaskantha Police to compel him to transfer a disputed property at Pali in Rajasthan.
The Gujarat Crime Investigation Department (CID) arrested former controversial IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt on Wednesday in connection with a 22-year-old case of planting of drugs to arrest a man. Bhatt and seven others, including some former policemen attached with the Banaskantha Police, were initially detained for questioning in the case. As per the case details, the Banaskantha Police under Bhatt had arrested one Sumersingh Rajpurohit, an advocate, in 1996 on charges of possessing around one kg of drugs. At that time, the Banaskantha Police had claimed that drugs were found in a hotel room occupied by Rajpurohit in the district's Palanpur town.
However, a probe by the Rajasthan Police had revealed that Rajpurohit was allegedly falsely implicated by the Banaskantha Police to compel him to transfer a disputed property at Pali in Rajasthan.