Congress could form an alliance with Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi Party (SP) ahead of Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections, confirmed state chief Kamal Nath. “I had spoken to Akhilesh Yadav a few days ago, we are in talks with them,” said Nath. In a huge blow to Congress, Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) decided to contest the MP Assembly polls 2018 alone. Speaking on the breakdown of alliance talks with BSP, the senior Congress leader said, “The list of seats which BSP had given us where they had no chance of winning and the seats which they could have won they had not included in the list.”
Congress could form an alliance with Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi Party (SP) ahead of Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections, confirmed state chief Kamal Nath. “I had spoken to Akhilesh Yadav a few days ago, we are in talks with them,” said Nath. In a huge blow to Congress, Mayawati-led Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) decided to contest the MP Assembly polls 2018 alone. Speaking on the breakdown of alliance talks with BSP, the senior Congress leader said, “The list of seats which BSP had given us where they had no chance of winning and the seats which they could have won they had not included in the list.”