The S&P BSE Sensex jumped as much as 433.65 points to touch 38,566.53 at the day's strongest point, and the Nifty hit 11,570.95, up 125.9 points from the previous close. Across the board buying pushed the benchmark equity indexes higher led by gains in heavyweights such as SBI, Axis Bank, Adani ports & special economic zone Ltd. and HCL Tech002E. Top losers are ONGS, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Tata steel Ltd., Bajaj Auto Ltd., and Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.
The S&P BSE Sensex jumped as much as 433.65 points to touch 38,566.53 at the day's strongest point, and the Nifty hit 11,570.95, up 125.9 points from the previous close. Across the board buying pushed the benchmark equity indexes higher led by gains in heavyweights such as SBI, Axis Bank, Adani ports & special economic zone Ltd. and HCL Tech002E. Top losers are ONGS, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Tata steel Ltd., Bajaj Auto Ltd., and Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.