The Sensex rose as much as 458 points intraday to 39,364, before ending at 39,275, up 369 points. Broader benchmark index Nifty, which hit a fresh high of 11,810 intraday, settled 0.90% higher at 11,787. As many as 19 stocks in the S&P BSE 500 index rose 10-50 percent from April 3, which includes Wipro, Oberoi Realty, Suzlon Energy, Tata Motors, SpiceJet, Rain Industries and PC Jeweller.
The Sensex rose as much as 458 points intraday to 39,364, before ending at 39,275, up 369 points. Broader benchmark index Nifty, which hit a fresh high of 11,810 intraday, settled 0.90% higher at 11,787. As many as 19 stocks in the S&P BSE 500 index rose 10-50 percent from April 3, which includes Wipro, Oberoi Realty, Suzlon Energy, Tata Motors, SpiceJet, Rain Industries and PC Jeweller.