The Sensex fell 0.93 percent or 363 points to 38,600 and the NSE Nifty 50 Index plunged 114 points or 0.97 percent to close at 11,598. The Indian rupee opened lower against the US dollar. The home currency depreciates 0.27% intraday to 69.40 against the greenback.
Indian equity benchmarks registered their worst day in two weeks on the back of sell-off in other Asian markets as US-China trade concerns resurfaced. The US President Donald Trump threatened to raise tariffs on China, triggering a global rout in risky assets. The Sensex and Nifty extended declines to the fourth day with today's loss-making session. HDFC Bank, Reliance Industries, HDFC, Infosys and Bajaj Finance were among the top drags on the Sensex.
The Sensex fell 0.93 percent or 363 points to 38,600 and the NSE Nifty 50 Index plunged 114 points or 0.97 percent to close at 11,598. The Indian rupee opened lower against the US dollar. The home currency depreciates 0.27% intraday to 69.40 against the greenback.
Indian equity benchmarks registered their worst day in two weeks on the back of sell-off in other Asian markets as US-China trade concerns resurfaced. The US President Donald Trump threatened to raise tariffs on China, triggering a global rout in risky assets. The Sensex and Nifty extended declines to the fourth day with today's loss-making session. HDFC Bank, Reliance Industries, HDFC, Infosys and Bajaj Finance were among the top drags on the Sensex.