The BSE Sensex and the Nifty rose for the eighth straight day on Wednesday to end at record highs as vaccine optimism and positive quarterly earnings led to buying by foreign portfolio investors. The Sensex gained 316.02 points or 0.73% to close at a record high of 43,593.67 while the Nifty50 index settled 118.05 points or 0.93% higher at a record high of 12,749.15. Gains in the market were broadbased with banking, auto, pharma, IT, FMCG and metal witnessing buying today.
The BSE Sensex and the Nifty rose for the eighth straight day on Wednesday to end at record highs as vaccine optimism and positive quarterly earnings led to buying by foreign portfolio investors. The Sensex gained 316.02 points or 0.73% to close at a record high of 43,593.67 while the Nifty50 index settled 118.05 points or 0.93% higher at a record high of 12,749.15. Gains in the market were broadbased with banking, auto, pharma, IT, FMCG and metal witnessing buying today.