After seven consecutive day of fall the Indian indices bounced and ended higher on March 3 amid concern over Coronavirus. Sensex was up 479.68 points or 1.26% at 38,623.70, and the Nifty was up 170.55 points or 1.53% at 11,303.30. Vedanta, Hindalco, Sun Pharma, Tata Steel and Zee Entertainment were among major gainers on the Nifty, while losers include Bajaj Auto, Yes Bank and ITC. All the sectoral indices ended higher. The BSE Midcap and Smallcap indices ended with a percent gain.
After seven consecutive day of fall the Indian indices bounced and ended higher on March 3 amid concern over Coronavirus. Sensex was up 479.68 points or 1.26% at 38,623.70, and the Nifty was up 170.55 points or 1.53% at 11,303.30. Vedanta, Hindalco, Sun Pharma, Tata Steel and Zee Entertainment were among major gainers on the Nifty, while losers include Bajaj Auto, Yes Bank and ITC. All the sectoral indices ended higher. The BSE Midcap and Smallcap indices ended with a percent gain.