Indian equity indices ended sharply lower Wednesday dragged by across the broad selling amid mixed global cues. The Sensex plunged 562.34 points, or 1.12 percent to 49,801.62, while the Nifty closed 189.15 points, or 1.27 percent lower at 14,721.30. Smallcap and midcap indices declined over 2 percent each. All the sectoral indices ended in the red with the Nifty PSU Bank falling the most over 4 percent followed by Nifty Realty, Nifty Metal, Nifty Pharma, Nifty Auto and Nifty IT.On the Nifty50, BPCL, ONGC, Tata Motors, Adani Ports & SEZ and Coal India were the top losers, while ITC and Infosys were the only index gainers.
Indian equity indices ended sharply lower Wednesday dragged by across the broad selling amid mixed global cues. The Sensex plunged 562.34 points, or 1.12 percent to 49,801.62, while the Nifty closed 189.15 points, or 1.27 percent lower at 14,721.30. Smallcap and midcap indices declined over 2 percent each. All the sectoral indices ended in the red with the Nifty PSU Bank falling the most over 4 percent followed by Nifty Realty, Nifty Metal, Nifty Pharma, Nifty Auto and Nifty IT.On the Nifty50, BPCL, ONGC, Tata Motors, Adani Ports & SEZ and Coal India were the top losers, while ITC and Infosys were the only index gainers.