Indian benchmark equity indices, Sensex and Nifty ended Thursday choppy session on a flat note after hitting intraday record highs. Nifty closed flat at 13,981.75 after crossing 14,000 intra-day for the first time ever. Sensex ended 5 points higher at a record closing high of 47,751.33. Financials underperformed while Midcaps outperformed the benchmarks.
Indian benchmark equity indices, Sensex and Nifty ended Thursday choppy session on a flat note after hitting intraday record highs. Nifty closed flat at 13,981.75 after crossing 14,000 intra-day for the first time ever. Sensex ended 5 points higher at a record closing high of 47,751.33. Financials underperformed while Midcaps outperformed the benchmarks.